Clarence Thomas’s Corruption Finally Has A Price Tag
Thomas got just under $6 million in gifts while on the Court.
Thomas got just under $6 million in gifts while on the Court.
The Court is basically spitting in our faces.
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.
There is so much more that needs to be done.
The latest in the Supreme Court ethical saga.
A lifetime appointment means never having to say you're sorry.
Updates to the award-winning case management software empower lawyers to focus on the most important tasks.
Judges are being treated to the high life.
Republican jurists may not think women deserve autonomy over their own bodies, but they sure can have their own bank accounts -- that just *happen* to accept money from right wing sources with business before the judges.
Woohoo -- live audio will be back this Term.
It's time to fix the court, the right way.
Corporate investment and usage in generative AI technologies continues to accelerate. This article offers eight specific tips to consider when creating an AI usage policy.
Sure, senators *want* Justice Thomas to recuse himself, but he doesn't have to.
That's... a LOT of cases.
Amy Coney Barrett murders irony with Mitch McConnell looking on.
Of course this guy wants back into the club of elite legal minds.
* Very interesting piece by Mark Joseph Stern on Justice Neil M. Gorsuch's dissent in Pavan v. Smith (aka the "LGBT parents on birth certificates" case). It seems to me that Justice Gorsuch's statement is technically correct -- the Arkansas Department of Health (1) was okay with giving the named plaintiffs their birth certificates and (2) conceded that in the artificial-insemination context, gay couples can't be treated differently than straight couples (see the Arkansas Supreme Court opinion, footnote 1 and page 18) -- but it's either confusing, at best, or misleading and disingenuous, at worst (the view of Shannon Minter of the National Center for Lesbian Rights, counsel to the plaintiffs). [Slate] * Speaking of Justice Gorsuch, Adam Feldman makes some predictions about what we can expect from him in the future, based on his first few opinions. [Empirical SCOTUS] * Professor Rick Hasen has made up his mind on this: "Gorsuch is the new Scalia, just as Trump promised." [Los Angeles Times] * The VC welcomes a new co-conspirator: Professor Sai Prakash, a top scholar of constitutional law and executive power. [Volokh Conspiracy / Washington Post] * Now that Harvard Law School will accept GRE scores in lieu of LSAT scores, what do law school applicants need to know about the two tests? [Law School HQ] * And what do Snapchat users need to know about the app's new "Snap Map" feature? Cyberspace lawyer Drew Rossow flags potential privacy problems. [WFAA]